Friday 17 August 2012

Thursday 16 August 2012

Hot days

Well I'm not sure about you, but I'm excited about our "Indian Summer", finally us girls get to show off a bit of no moaning please that "it's too hot"! Just enjoy ;)

Wednesday 15 August 2012


3 Easy Time Saving Tips
(when using the web)

1. Why
Ask yourself why you are looking for that information/product. So often people get side tracked on the net and end up wasting a great deal of their valuable time reading/surfing irrelevant information (I know I'm the first one to admit it).

2. What
Is there a particular purpose, "what do you want to achieve". What is your game plan?

3. Where
Think where to look first, it might be worth posting an open question on a social media site and get other peoples suggestions first, rather than just relying on what Google throws back.

There are many companies who I would have loved to do business with but for some reason they don't deliver to the Channel Islands.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Blogging about blogging for bloggers

Gone are the days where you could sell door to door and yes technology has moved us on but.... for business to survive in today's market you find yourself facing the following questions....and not only being and expert in your own field, but also becoming a master at "tech speak" and here's why...

Gone are the days of whether you had a service people wanted or needed, a cash till, shop front or even letterhead now it's

Do you have a website? Have you made the most of SEO, no not Senior Executive Office, Search Engine Optimization! (with a 'z' as it's a Google term)

You need a Facebook page, Pinterest, Instagram, Google plus, Twitter and two blogs, one on Wordpress and one on & god forbid you might actually find time so run your business after all this blogging, optimizing (with a 'z'), tweeting, liking etc etc.

So I'd better blogger off and actually generate some sales for